The History of Air Conditioning – Then and Now

The History of Air Conditioning – Then and Now

People frequently take the little things in life for approval. Penicillin to battle infections indoor plumbing and even air conditioning in the dog days of August are things that people once had to live without. The history of air conditioning is really quite captivating and somewhat humorous seeing the things that people used to do to keep cool.
The year 1902 marks a turning point in human history – it was the year the first true air conditioner was invented. The invention was once received with chilly skepticism but has become a fixture of American life

The First Air Conditioner

The very first modern air conditioner was conceived by a man named Willis Carrier in 1902. However he did not create the machine because he was hot; he merely wanted to reduce the moisture in the printing press where he worked. After understanding the machine’s potential and working to improve it. The first housing unit was created in 1922 and released to the general public at a 1925 gathering at Times Square.

The invention didn’t directly take off since it was luxurious to produce and only 10% of homes had central air conditioning as late as 1965. Today though it is a principal in many places and it is projected that central air can be found in some 85% of homes and apartments.
The history of air conditioning is a colorful one but people all over the world can be thankful for the quick thinking and dazzling minds who took us from putting our underwear in the icebox to simply changing a number on a thermostat. 

Ancient Rome

Just like most of the technologies that are in use today around the world. The ancient Romans were the first in history to attempt to control indoor temperatures. Once they had achieved the art of the aqueducts which were fundamentally the world’s first plumbing system, they began to harvest new technologies that would allow the cold water to circulate through the walls of surrounded spaces. In fact there was even an emperor by the name of Elagabalus who had an entire mountain of snow imported from the mountains to his Roman villa in an attempt to stay cool during the hottest part of the year.

Other Attempts

Of course people went to other great lengths to stay cool in the summer notwithstanding the lack of electricity. Before electricity people had what were known as cloistered ‘ice boxes’ in which they could store food and ice. Some folks in an attempt to beat the heat would put all of their clothes (even their underwear) inside previous to tiring them in order to get some comfort. President Garfield was even known to have gone through tons and tons of ice in the late 1800s when making use of a contraption that blew air through an ice-cooled cotton sheet. It was inefficient to say the least, but it did pave the way for some fantastic ideas.

The Air Conditioner Then and Now

The world was changed forever when Willis Haviland Carrier invented his “apparatus to treat air” in 1902, installing it in the Sackett-Wilhelms Lithographing and Publishing Company in Brooklyn New York in 1903 and getting a patent for it in 1906. Today air conditioning is becoming more efficient, less harmful to the environment and affordable in many poor countries where its installation is saving lives and improving the excellence of life for millions of people.
This history of air conditioning travels many of the key developments of this amazing technology. Our guide begins by discussing how air was cooled before AC. Then we look at Willis Carrier, answering the common question, “When was air conditioning invented?”
Air conditioning would not be possible, at least not at the current level of efficiency and effectiveness, without refrigerants, so their history and current state of technology are explored.

Cooling Air Before Air Conditioning

Heat is nothing new. Neither is finding ways to deal with it. And evaporation is central to them all.
Why do we sweat? To cool the body. Think about sweating on a hot day. Not pleasant, but the sweat performs a function. As it evaporates off your skin, you feel cooler because it takes heat with it, and the body is cooled. Think of getting out of a pool or shower. As the water evaporates, you feel cool, perhaps even chilly.
Think of a dog panting. As moisture evaporates off its tongue, it takes heat with it and the body is cooled. Have you ever noticed birds standing with their mouth open on a hot day? You guessed it, cooling itself through evaporation.

Refrigerant Type

Older units use R-22 refrigerant which is already a low quality type these days. Modern A/C units use the standard R-410A refrigerant that is more energy saving and durable. Both types can be used by your unit but older refrigerants might not keep up with your system’s load supplies over time.

Energy Consumption

Everyone wants a cooling unit that is energy well-organized. It is actually one of the factors measured by most homeowners during purchase. Ten or 20 years ago the general standard for SEER or Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio was as low as 9. Now the standard SEER ranges from 13 above. When looking for a new A/C unit the higher the SEER rating the higher the savings on energy costs.

Noise Level

The noise shaped by A/C units is one of the main problems distributed by homeowners. As compared to older ones the noise level shaped by modern A/C is reduced by 20%. It is because of the progressive compressors and a more silent fan blade rotation. 

Programmable Thermostats

Thermostats control your HVAC’s processes. Modern A/C connected with programmable thermostats function more professionally when it comes to energy savings and comfort. This gives you full control of your air conditioning unit even when you are out for work or holiday.

Stages of Operation

Older air conditioners function in one or two stages while modern models work in manifold stages. Does this affect your A/C’s overall function? Yes! A moderating system upsurges home comfort and offers higher efficiency performance in your air conditioning unit.
Are you planning to have an A/C upgrade before the hot season hits in full force? Come talk to the experts at and get only what is best for your home!