What Size Furnace Do I Need???

What Size Furnace Do I Need???

‘Winter is coming’ no cliché intended. Literally winter is coming so does the need of the warm and cozy temperature. You are a fan of furnace but you don’t know which furnace is suitable for you and what size do I need for furnace??? You are here and that means you are in the search of the befitting guide which will tell you how to get the perfect furnace for your home. Don’t worry; you don’t need to learn about the complex procedure. The solution is simple and we will here further simplify for you so you can get the appropriate furnace. Right size furnace is very essential and most people overlook this important detail. Result, they cannot get the effective warmth and cannot prevent themselves from the daunting cold weather. So the question, what size furnace do I need??? is the right question and the answer to this question you must know. So, you are in the right place.


Most of the people get the help of HVAC technicians to know the size of the furnace. This is also the wrong approach. You don’t have to pay the dime because it is a very easy procedure and you can do it yourself. Well if youy don’t want to do it yourself, then the second best procedure is to get the help. But we want to remove this misconception that to know the suitable furnace size is very difficult. No, here you will know about it and see for yourself that this is the easy step. So let’s start the answer of the question: What size furnace do I need???


Climate Check


This is a very easy and obvious step. We all know about the temperature of our surroundings. If you are living in the harsh winter places like in FairBanks Alaska, which is considered as the coldest place in America, in these extremely chilly places you need to get the more powerful furnaces. You must see the BTU of the furnaces. BTU stands for British thermal unit, it is the way to calculate the capability of any HVAC device. There are many factors involved in calculating the BTU of the furnaces. Also, it varies on different temperature places. Let’s not dwell into the technicalities (Because we promised a simple solution) we will tell you how much BTU can cover in the specific temperature region.

Please keep in mind temperature plays a huge role to influence the furnaces. If you are living in the negative Celsius temperature area then befitting the furnace system is the best solution for you. Most of the other heats systems like heat pumps and portable heaters lose the effectiveness in front of the harsh coldness. Only furnaces can provide you the warmth temperature and fight against the grim frigidness. So please keep in mind to get the furnace according to the usual environment temperature. Most of the people also ask that we are living in hot places like in California and other hot places, so we need a furnace or not??? Uh, if the winter is not very much cool then you can get the heat pump.


Calculate the Space


The number one step of what size furnace do I need is to just calculate the temperature. This is a very easy peasy step. Second one is also not complicated at all. You have to measure your space. Just grab the measurement tape and measure your bedroom, hall, and kitchen and measure all whatever space you want to get the cozy temperature. The size of the temperature is directly proportional to the size of the space. If the space is bigger, you need the bigger furnace to accommodate the entire space. Don’t buy the furnace on rough ideas; measure the home so you can get the appropriate furnace for your space. Measurement and temperature are both important for the third step of the process. Both are the easiest steps to find the right size of furnace you need for the home or office and any other place.


As we are here also entertaining the frequently asked question most of the people asked about how we can measure the space properly. This is the simple procedure to take the measurement tape and measures the length and breadth of the room. Just multiply the length and breadth to know the exact per square footage. If you have inch tape then divide the result to 12 to convert the inch into per square foot.


Calculate the BTU Output


Third one is basically the answer to the question what size furnace do I need. BTU of the furnace let you determine the size. The measurement and the temperature are the biggest factors to let out the figure of BTU’s. If you are living in the extremely cold temperature then you need 50 to 60 Btu per square foot. That means if your space is 1000 square feet then you need the 50,000 to 60,000 BTU furnaces. If you are living in the mild cold intense area then you should consider 40 to 45 BTU per square foot. For the Mediterranean place you need 35 to 40 and for the subtropical place you need 30 to 35 per square foot.


Now you know what climates require. Let's say if you live in the Mediterranean area and you need the 40 BTU per square foot. Just take the measurement of your home. If the measurement is 2000 square per feet it means you need 80,000 BTU per square feet. But you have to consider one more thing which is efficiency. If the efficiency of the furnace is 90% then it means it can efficiently use 72000 BTU. For the appropriate furnace you need the 100,000 BTU furnaces with the efficiency rate of 80%.