What is a High-Velocity HVAC System?

What is a High-Velocity HVAC System?
Are you observing for a new heating and cooling system that treats your whole home? One that delivers more heat in the winter and cooler air in the summer? One that’s easy to install and also lowers your energy bills? 
 We want to tell you a slight bit about High-Velocity Systems, how they work, and some of the pros and cons. Thanks to this new technology, high-velocity systems deliver improved work for less money than traditional units. Of course, they’re not faultless. There are a few possible drawbacks to consider before making an asset. 
Luckily, in most cases, any disadvantages to a high-velocity system are far overshadowed by its benefits. After learning a little more about them you can choose if one is right for your home. Here’s a look at what high-velocity systems are, how they work, and the pros and cons of connecting one. 
How High-Velocity Systems Work
High-velocity systems work equally to older HVAC systems. Hot or cool air comes from a heating or cooling source. That’s usually a heat pump or compressor separate the home. Then, it trips through the house and arrives in the rooms through outlets. But, the comparisons end there. In its place of large ducts throughout your home, high-velocity systems use very thin tubing. The tubing is just two inches in length, and bendable. At the same time, the openings are much smaller. Most homes have apertures at least six inches tall and around a foot wide. A high-velocity vent is frequently round and just 5 inches around. The hot or cool air then transfers from the compressor or heat pump to a high-velocity air handler. This pushes the air through your home with more pressure than duct-and-vent HVAC systems. Because of this, the air socializes very quickly through the area it’s handling once it comes through the vents.  
This means the room gets to the temperature you want quicker than with other systems. This makes for healthier climate control. It also saves you money. Since it works rapidly, the system doesn’t need to stay on for as long. Therefore, it uses fewer resources, or energy, to run. And the less energy it uses, the less you’re charged on your energy bills. 
High-Velocity for Retrofitting & New Construction
Low monthly costs and amplified competence make a high-velocity system gorgeous in a new home. If you choose high-velocity while designing your construction, it’s very easy to fit the system into your plans. However, high-velocity is also very simply retrofitted into your current home. Again, that’s thanks to the smaller, flexible components.
Recall that the tubing is only two inches in diameter. It can also bend to a certain degree. This means it’s small enough to fit in between studs in a wall or between ceiling rafters. Therefore, you won’t need to do any major work for your home. Installers can easily work around existing studs and rafters. They can also snake the tubing inside the walls. 
These factors keep installation costs low. You won’t pay to have people scratch away any plaster or drywall to install it. Equally, there’s no need to restructure and paint the walls afterward. And, of course, less construction means less stress on you and your family. 
Drawbacks of a High-Velocity System
Of course, there are a few disadvantages to reflect a high-velocity system. Contingent on what’s significant to you, however, these may not matter too much. We stated that installation is easy and frequently less costly than traditional ductwork. This is true. But, it can be complicated to correctly estimate the exact cost ahead of time. Since installers don’t have to tear down the walls, they don’t know for sure what’s in there. Blockages or electrical wires, for example, maybe in unforeseen places. 
As a result, installers may have to take additional time to move around those problems. And, they’ll have to do so blind. Luckily, a skilled installer can steer just about any problem in the wall. But, it may just not be smooth sailing from start to finish. Once it’s installed, there are a few things to deliberate. Remember, the high-velocity systems push air with much more force than other HVAC systems. In many cases, that strong surge can be painful if you’re too close to the opening. You can feel that explosion of air much more meaningfully than with ducts. Some systems are noisier than traditional HVAC. However, newer systems use softening technology to reduce the noise. 
 Luckily, it’s easy to place the small vents almost anywhere. Often, you can find a spot in each room that’s far away from where you or anyone else would be standing, inactive, or lying. High up on a wall is an option, as is the ceiling. Finally, it’s not very easy to combine a high-velocity system with a “zoned “HVAC. This is when unlike areas of the house are preserved by distinct units that can heat or cool at unalike temperatures from each other. You can attain some degree of zoned HVAC with high-velocity. But to do so, you’d have to obtain and install more than one air handler. 
More Advantages of a High-Velocity System. 
For many homeowners, the cons of a high-velocity system are far overshadowed by the pros. And, there are many compensations for high-velocity heating and cooling. We’ve gone over a few of the big ones previously. They’re easy to install thanks to the smaller, flexible mechanisms. They heat or cool a room faster than other approaches. This means they cost less to function month-to-month. Lastly, there are a few other ways to high-velocity. First, the openings themselves don’t make a big visual influence on your home. They’re very small and can simply install in out-of-the-way places. 
Due to this, they blend into the room much better than large vents. And, if you previously have vents, you won’t need to care about adding new large openings or trying to retrofit the existing ones. Finally, just one unit can grip a perfect house. When it comes to cooling especially, this is a huge benefit in older homes. Houses built earlier central air became popular in the 70s often aren’t prepared to handle a regular central a/c system. As result, many homeowners have been making do with multiple wall or window a/c units. With high-velocity, you can finally get rid of those old, chunky units. One compressor and one air manager do the trick for the whole house. You can speedily and easily pipe it into any room without major work throughout the house. These benefits make high-velocity systems a huge draw. Even though a system may have a few small tests, they are often easy to work around them. Then, you’ve got state-of-the-art, energy-efficient heating, and cooling — at a much lower price than your old ductwork, vents, or window units.