How Long Does a Furnace Last? 

How Long Does a Furnace Last? 
One of the immense questions a homeowner may encounter is whether or not to stop fixing a heating system and instead replace a heater. We won’t pretend there’s an easy answer to this question—we definitely can’t make a comprehensive generalization for all furnaces. However, we can deliver you some tips to help you decide when to replace your furnace. From the age of the system, sudden temperature changes, overpriced operating costs, to loud noises, there are numerous signs. It’s time to swap your old heater with a new energy well-organized system. When you need to make a solid choice about a furnace auxiliary, call a licensed technician in your area to discuss the latest energy-efficient heaters on the market. 
Everything has an expiration date. When something is significant, or exclusive, spreading its lifespan as much as conceivable is advantageous and preferable.
Average Furnace Lifespan
Wondering what the typical life expectancy of a furnace is? There are mixed opinions about heater life expectancy. Although some heaters can last more than 40 years (tremendously rare), the average life of a furnace is around 15 to 30 years. As long as you have scheduled annual heater upkeep, it should easily last over 15 years.
Just like your car, your older furnace may need some basic repairs. However, if the heater is out of warranty, some people prefer buying a new model even before a minor repair is needed. Others are eager to make several repairs before letting go of the old furnace.
Here are some factors that will affect how long your furnace will last:
  • Make and model the furnace (newer systems have longer lifespans than older units).
  • Frequency and quality of furnace maintenance. To uphold the manufacturer’s assurances and keep your system clean and effective, schedule fall heater conservation every year from a licensed HVAC company that also fully cleans your system. Learn more about professional furnace tune-ups.
  • Moisture levels and proper aeration. Too much dampness can cause heater components to rust and untimely breakdowns. Moisture is particularly harmful to your heat exchanger.
  • Proper installation. According to Energy Star, over half of all new HVAC systems are indecorously installed. AS a result, rated efficiency levels can be reduced by as much as 30% and can lead to untimely breakdowns, comfort problems, and inadequate air distribution and dehumidification. The most significant day of your furnace’s life is the day it is installed.
As you can see, many factors play a role in how long your furnace will last. No one thing will be able to tell you how long your furnace will last (age, tune-ups, humidity levels, installation).
Should I Replace My Furnace? 
When it comes to heater lifespans, there are simply too many variables to give a certain answer. Speak with a professional to help determine whether you should replace your furnace or not.
Homeowners with furnaces over 15 years old, however, may have better savings in the long run by replacing their system rather than continuing to spend more money on repairs. Older furnaces tend to be tremendously inefficient and can cost you hundreds of extra dollars on fuel and operating costs.
According to the U.S. Department of Energy, homeowners can expect a good return on investment by replacing a furnace with an annual fuel consumption efficiency (AFUE) rating lower than 80% with a new 95% efficient condensing furnace.
Upgrading a heater that is older than 15 years old with a new high-efficiency unit is a great way to save money and increase home ease and efficiency. High-efficiency furnaces have an AFUE rating between 90% and 99%, abbreviating flue gases to a second heat exchanger to decrease the amount of wasted energy. This helps convert nearly all of the fuel to useful heat for your home.
One common rule that people follow when it comes to repairing or replacing something is the 50% Rule — if the repair is over 50% of the cost for a full replacement, go with the replacement.
Learn more signs that it’s time to replace your furnace.
Of course, the decision to replace your heating system is a big one. It’s essential to find a good HVAC company to do the installation for you. Contact Service Champions to discuss your repair and replacement options before making a decision.
Want to extend the lifespan of your unit? Factors to consider:
  • Apparatus quality — the quality of the individual unit that is installed can predict how long a system will run. Work with your professional HVAC Company to determine the best grade unit for your home, needs, and goals.
  • Annual maintenance — Professional upkeep, once in the spring and once in the fall (between harsher-weather months), is unconditionally vital to spreading the lifespan of any heating system. Annual tune-ups and cleanings will ensure that the system and all its mechanical pieces are operating smoothly and efficiently. A well-maintained unit will last years beyond a system that is not.
  • Use — how often do you use your heating system? In a colder climate, or depending on preference, you may depend heavily on your heating system. A unit that is used often is more likely to wear down. Systems that are used often should be upheld often as well to slow the effects of use.
  • Humidity — Due to location, we certainly feel the effects of humidity in the air. A furnace is subjected to rust in high humidity. Control the humidity levels in your home to decrease moisture and protect the furnace from rust.
  • Clean filters — Clean filters lead to happy heaters. During the winter months when the furnace is running more than usual, filters should be changed monthly. When a filter is dirty, it restricts airflow. This constraint can lead to overheating and even damage to the heat exchanger and other components in the unit.
Learn more ways to keep your furnace running in tip-top shape with this furnace maintenance checklist.
To schedule a winter tune-up or talk to a local professional about how to extend the lifespan of your specific heating system, contact Service Champions. We are your dependable HVAC experts for Northern California.